No matter whether you are writing a blog for 3 weeks or 3 years to learn how to do SEO like a Pro, never too late (or too early), it is!

There are two types of website traffic: – paid (PPC) and organic (“free”).

I’ll let you in on a little secret. Organic traffic is free of charge. By implementing the best SEO practices, stable, time and effort in getting organic traffic (both value!).

In this tutorial, this simple step-by-step instructions that explain exactly what you will be doing SEO on your business website or your own blog by using the I am.

However, that’s the trick. It can be intimidating at first, you will learn how to find your own keywords. Other great bloggers who are not already covered, if you are having difficulty in the search for key words, you are not alone.

Never before online publication, which are not explained correctly in step 5, I have a simple method that can help you find long-tail keywords. This theme work well, unless you have written, interesting content for organic traffic means that you can be keywords, simply this.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) what is it?

You need to understand what search engine optimization is SEO like a Pro. SEO is a method that is used optimize your content so that search engines categorize your blog posts, online, and your location, can show the caller.

Most of the time forget to follow the steps, even the most basic SEO blog authors. This is a big problem! If you completely trust to share in social media, the content of your blog the right way from the beginning, it is important that you set.

To make SEO, in short, it’s your site visitors, the experience is better. When your visitors read more content (and stay longer on your pages, more pages visited (if reduce your bounce rate in Google, you will be told that your page is worth a visit!

Organic traffic,
organic traffic consists of visitors who clicked to your website, free of charge, with a method. Organic traffic Google, Bing, such as search engines, Pinterest, and even social media-reach sites such as Facebook and Twitter. Organic, in this context, simply “free” means.

Organic traffic and SEO go hand-in-hand. SEO is easy if you follow the steps that I’ll explain in a minute, they will be extended in the way of building organic traffic to your blog.

SEO check list

As a bonus, you will have to download and blog posts can Seo free SEO checklist that you can use as a guide, for I have a PDF! Check the list goes hand in hand with me

When you start to study, now, have you ever thought that this SEO checklist to rank for high volume keywords can help, it is possible. To get there takes a lot of patience!

Not to make, in addition, the checklist is useful as a standalone solution, so free 6-day training camp in conjunction with SEO sure that you are using. SEO attaches great importance to note that the user experience. In other words, search engines such as Google to collect the data of your site visitors and total page views, unique page views, time on page, bounce rate, and converts numbers like sorting. Each one of these numbers is determined by the behavior of your visitors! To first-class user experience for SEO to ensure is incredibly important.

It is said that Google has over 200 ranking factors. It is almost impossible to know, or to follow all SEO best practices, but much more by the following steps, a small hand full, to see the get on the first page of Google, it is absolutely possible.

Your SEO checklist This includes the width of steps:
1.Keyword(s) search, and select
2.Select categories of the blog, and protect you configure your site)
3.In one of their categories, Choose a theme
4.Click on a value that is clear, concise, select a title and a blog answering the question
5.Make Your Content Design
6.Publish Your Content
7.According to the publication

Checklist for new blog posts, web-pages, create pages, it covers the most important steps for the correction or older. However, this checklist in conjunction with the training, it is important that you read all the Details.

Sample SEO
organic traffic SEO training step by step, you can save before I want to a blog post examples for top place in the search engine results.

I’ll use an example from blog posts about Disney. If you’re talking about, to be placed as one of the popular Disney-to be on the first page of Google, it is possible did you Know that?

In a post on the first page of Google for the keywords related to Disney my title: free download a list of all the Disney movies!

A very popular topic on the core, you will learn how you space for a keyword, as follows:

What Are Long Tail Keywords?
It allows more specific organic traffic long tail keywords long, detailed keyword phrases. Long-tailed visitors who found your site by adding a keyword to your newsletter registration (sales funnel), the clicks on your affiliate links or their products/services is much higher, because the probability of purchase of the reader to the original question more specific.

Related: The Best Sales Funnel Builder

Longtail-keyword-examples of
Disney we go back to our example. To search Google vague, someone from the “Disney” concept, to find you expect in we have no idea really what it is. Do you want more information about Disneyland? Are you planning a trip is it? How to get to Disneyland mi? Or Disney characters looking for? The Furniture? Movies? Original Walt Disney himself, or is he?

You can try a generic keyword ranking for your lover is like trying to guess what you think, if you look at the cliff. In other words, it is almost impossible.

“The quotes about friendship Disney best” or “the best Disney quotes about family” examples of long-tail keywords are phrases like. How specific your keywords, the long tail, what if you the exact conversion of your organic traffic, that it is the correct mass, probably.

Related: how to make money with SEO?

How to SEO like a pro (step by step)
for some popular keywords, SEO and background cleared up, the questions that we have today, I use him to get on the first page of Google, we come now to the steps.

Because SEO is a lot to say about this step-by-step SEO training, each step on the “why “rather than the download of SEO “How “will be the focus on the subject. My goal is to make you get your task is simple and accessible, organic traffic.

Let’s get started!

Step 1: Configure your website for SEO
or the navigation structure of your site is very important. You can configure your site correctly, your visitors will impact on your SEO and effects!

The title of the Navigation
of the authors of the Blogs you start with two to four major categories.

If you had too much confusing menu option similar categories to unite into a single category. Remove categories that you do not wear it at least once a month (or Nest).

Sub-categories of the application! Not going to cut it if you want to each of your categories, you should do it under a different category.

Internal links
in each blog post, at least three similar articles link to your own posts to the visitors to encourage you to browse.

You have to point in the same category of internal links to the blogs. This is only relevant content to link to each blog post, Google will consider it as an opportunity to explain what it is.

External links
in each post, I’m trying to at least one external link on an authoritative source. External links help Google categorize your post, and you follow, and use, to ensure that you have thoroughly researched your topic.

Your work is detrimental to 100% even if you own, it is never to reliable sources. However, the same keywords and topics to compete, you don’t expect to take place in the ranking point you to the resources!

on your posts to ensure that it offers value. Your goal should be an authoritative source, the links with other bloggers is. But let’s be honest, it takes time to create the content store for these great value.

If you are tired of waiting on others to give you the link to your posts, there are a few ways to speed up in order to get high quality back links to the process!

You can do a search on Google for your target keyword phrase, and then open the result of the first 10 to 30. If you have a section with a comment, and then add a meaningful comment to the theme of “home” in the field (not your homepage) about that link back to your blog post.

Quora also link back to my blog post and answer the questions in a detailed answer, as I like it.

These nofollow links, but still can bring targeted traffic to your post.

Step 2: search for key words in each post and page, for
the importance of the use of long-tail keywords to get higher rankings in the Google results, do you remember what we have discussed? In this step, you will learn how to Google real people that you keyword research, so you are really looking for the words that you choose.

Select a key word, and that’s a place you don’t want to post to 50 times. Instead, use a natural way during the summer, to a certain topic, a list of relevant keyword phrases.

You can ideas with a free tool like Ubersuggest for keyword. Type in a broad keyword (“Disney”), and Best supporting actress, the expression of your topic-specific filters. Do not focus too much on keyword volume or competition, because most of the statistics is wrong. Instead, manually using the Tools will give you ideas for your research.

You can search the Simulation using the Google and you will find keyword phrases to go even more! Top Rankings for your keyword phrase, to see the selected content, whether or not they can compete with the top results, you need to research. Their value is also comparable to or between 10 and 20 points among friends? Better, longer and more informative content, you can write to?

Your main keyword phrase in a blog post, I would like to target keyword set between 10 and between three and supportive (sometimes more, depending on the length of the article topic and keyword-phrase).

Sometimes, if the use of Google Chrome plugin keywords, search volumes, the actual key words’u I am with it. Paid (but cheap) tool to find active and the subject during the research for long-tail keywords more than one version makes it easy for you.

How to keyword research
keyword research is important, because they are really in search of the people you want to be sure that you have entered in response to requests. If you write about an unfamiliar term, Google 1. but on the page; when nobody is looking, the term, to mean that nothing, really.

To investigate Keywords Everywhere (paid search tool to by the keywords are the steps you can take:

1.“Keywords Everywhere“ and you can install the browser extension.
2.Credit buy.
3.Google search for your topic (maybe everywhere searched keywords of the month 33.100 “trout fishing you want to write about).
4.The search results refer to the first three to four, Mozu on the controller for domain names search (use moz Chrome extension), and then to see whether the content is robust to the article to check, please. Maybe you can say: “Hey, this Website and the contents are sucked on as low a ranking for this term. THIS YENEBILIR I AM.“ Or: “no, I can’t say Wikipedia:” a long-tail keyword search for another.
5.Keywords Everywhere, Every living thing, if you do a Google search on “related keywords”. Instead, the “trout fishing bait” you will be able to recommended the name (originally “trout fishing”, after you make the call, such as by the keywords Everywhere). This long-tail keyword search, 2400 times a month (not bad!).
6.“BINGO!“, you say. The first three blog posts, search results, product lists or not, Walmart) and “I can do better!”, You say. So your main keyword, such as “trout fishing bait“ you selected.
7.Again, Google “trout fishing bait” if you do a search, Keywords Everywhere, where you Again “related keywords” list. A few of them for this example, “the best bait for trout fishing-lakes”, “the best bait for trout-streams”, and “the best trout bait trolling”. Either a) more than one of them as your keyword may shrink, and you can go fishing, you can choose your main keyword or (“trout bait”) to support the blog post, you can decide to use all of them. You can even put it on your content, and these long-tail keywords to a post, write a blog post about each of them link back and put it all together.
8.If you write down your keyword list and add your content. Keyword placement is not, of course, if you come back and add to reach it later much easier.
9.Rinse and repeat.


Schritte der keyword-recherche, lasst ihn nicht einschüchtern. Wenn Sie lernen, diese Schritte richtig, Sie vor Ihren Mitbewerbern.

  1. Schritt eins: wählen Sie einen Titel und eine klickbare Brainstorming zu einem Thema, das
    vor der keyword-recherche für Themen können Sie Brainstorming, aber ich ziehe es vor zu tun, dass später. Die Liste der keywords zu behalten, vor Sie ein bestimmtes Thema brainstorming ist die Hälfte der Schlacht!

Der Titel und das Thema ein blog post go hand in hand, daher wird in diesem Schritt werden wir diskutieren sowohl von Ihnen.

Thema brainstorming
Ihre Liste von keywords und Suchbegriffe Ihre Zielgruppe offen ist, um zu wählen Sie ein Thema abgeben.

Menschen „wie“, „Straßen“ oder „was“, wenn man für Sätze, die Wörter enthalten, wie Sie zu markieren. Diese sind es Wert, näher untersucht werden.

Denken Sie daran, wenn Leute die Google-Suche eine Frage stellt und auf eine Antwort wartet. Diese Frage beantwortet wählen Sie ein Thema, die können nehmen Sie Ihre blog-post zu den top-Positionen in den Suchergebnissen.

oben genannten für jede keyword-Phrasen, die Sie haben, suchen auf Google und es ist am besten, die Ergebnisse zu analysieren. Keyword phrase exact Titel enthalten? „Anklickbar“ – Titel tun Sie haben?

In der Regel, weil Sie genau prüfen, am besten bezahlt Ergebnisse wurde getestet und funktioniert gut.

Kopieren Sie nicht Wort für Wort den Titel von einem anderen Autor, aber die Ergebnisse und verwenden Sie Sie, um erstellen Sie Ihre eigenen Titel. Erinnern Sie sich, es zu unterlassen, zu viele Ablenkungen und klären die filler word-Ihren Titel.

Best practices SEO Titel
-Ihren Titel an der linken Seite so weit wie möglich, platzieren Sie Ihre keyword-Wortgruppe.
-Titel Länge zwischen sechs bis neun halten in der Nähe zu 55 Zeichen und Worte.
-Stellen Sie sicher, dass Ihre überschrift Sie sagte Sie Menschen.
-Es ist am besten zu vermeiden Füllwörter und mehrdeutige Terminologie.
-Nachdem Sie vorbereitet haben, Ihr Thema, Ihr Thema, Sie wird natürlich gestärkt werden! Daher, ich Liebe diese beiden Schritte zusammen.

Schritt 4: Konfigurieren Sie Ihre Inhalte für den Leser
, während Sie lernen, wie SEO-blog-posts, Google Hinweis, dass dies eine Frage von Abfragen. Ob oder nicht die person, die sucht, die enthalten ein Fragezeichen, oder lang ist, ist eine genaue Aussage zu schreiben, obwohl es ist nicht eine Geschichte, sucht eine Antwort.

Schreiben blog-Beiträge, wenn Sie dieser Struktur Folgen:
das format, das ich verwende, um schreiben diesen blog, um zu erhöhen mein organischer traffic.

Identifizieren Sie ein problem
, Sie kommen, um Probleme für Sie Ihre Website-Besucher. Ein Rezept, Meinungen, how-to guide oder benötigen weitere Informationen. Ihr blog, in denen das „problem“ gelöst ist, stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie klar.

Eine Lösung Vorhanden
, die Lösung kurz beschreiben. Erklären Sie, dass Sie glauben, dass Ihre Leser, was die Lösung ist und warum Sie benötigen.

Erklären Sie mit Beispielen solution
Körper: wer, WAS, WANN, WO, warum oder wie

Identifizieren Sie ein problem
, Sie kommen, um Probleme für Sie Ihre Website-Besucher. Ein Rezept, Meinungen, how-to guide oder benötigen weitere Informationen. Ihr blog, in denen das „problem“ gelöst ist, stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie klar.

Eine Lösung Vorhanden
, die Lösung kurz beschreiben. Erklären Sie, dass Sie glauben, dass Ihre Leser, was die Lösung ist und warum Sie benötigen.

Erklären Sie mit Beispielen solution
Körper: wer, WAS, WANN, WO, warum oder wie

EO for blog posts to be done “”
your most important Keywords in your blog title (H1) for use.
Use your keyword in the title, at least one more (H2).
Use keywords throughout your article in a natural way.
Your first sentence of your keyword as much as possible, or at least in the first paragraph that you are using.
Use your keyword in your URL
, use your keyword in the alt text of the image is at least one.
The correct use of your keyword per your meta-description.
– Use one to three times keywords are supported. Always the most natural placement.
Bullets, headings and their contents can be modified by the use of short sentences“ to.
Publish at least 500 words, but it is better to be longer than this.

SEO for blog posts “don’ts”
, and not frequent places during your unnatural keyword text. This is called keyword stuffing.
If you are looking for a post this way, people that is not optimizing for a keyword incorrectly.
Do not pay for the back-links.
The number of words in a blog to expand post only for the purpose (avoid-relief).
Your keyword “activities for the kids ask why?” is the key word, to increase your number to the “don’t want to why” to use again and again for words. Google will ask you to answer the question, again and again, it is to specify.

Step 5: improve the SEO of the existing contributions
in China, Google has already Current by using the keywords on your blog posts, in order to optimize, and back don’t be afraid.

It is important to know that during the optimization of an existing article should not be done (I’ve tried them all, they kill rankings):

Redirects from URLs without setting does not change.
Top Rankings in search results or large pieces of text from a blog, already, do not remove important keywords.
Do not make the changes again and again. You can optimize a post and continue.
If you will be one of the above-mentioned blog post may fall in the rankings – but as soon as Google gets you fixed him, will probably come back.

What we need to change? The goal is not to modify or remove existing content. Purpose, content, development, or modification to the contents.

(Note: to maximize it in order of the revenue through the optimization of the sales potential customers that posts or start recording).

Quick definitions of terms used in Google Analytics
clicks – a person clicked a few times to your URL.
Per – impression in just a few clicks your URL. The higher, the better!
Average position – a sentence that are not on your list, if you are looking for a user’s rank. The lower the better!
Session – the number of clicks on the URL.
Bounce rate – side interactions. The lower, the better!
Pages / session A session is the average number of visited every reader. The higher, the better!

If you are not sure what is the good of your pages is sorted already, sign in to Google Analytics and find your search result page.

On the left side – > > Search Console> landing pages to Import.

How to SEO like a Pro with these results,
to see which pages are most popular, the representations in which you already sort, from the highest to the lowest.

Page excellent high-impressions, clicks, CTR and numbered 1-3 sessions will be in the location.

Each time, keep updated when a record of your contributions. You try to do all the optimization in a single session, publish your changes and exit their own devices. Extreme optimization or re-publish the page, it could be to fall out of the Ranking.

You can optimize your page for a good, high-screening area, but less on a page. Meta description or title, you don’t Get your attention, responding to your request or not.

Search your contributions, which keywords are ranking for
Google Analytics -> left -> Import -> Search Console > queries.

This is how SEO is done with the results?
Your keyword phrases to see which screenings are the most popular type from the highest to the lowest. A high number of impressions, the low number of clicks and CTR, if you have your keywords in them, you want to optimize.

Here is not enough, the Google I think. You that you do not to click on a keyword on the page, you will see a ranking for this set to.

Instead, with the format of Google search search for this keyword:

Website:www.[Your Place].com is a search term

Your search term for best results listed publications, your blog will show. Optimization for the search term on this page!

To improve the SEO of your post between one and four follow the steps above. The post new keywords and add value to our biggest concern, of words, we change, or we will bear the shipping, which took place in the rank list.

Good for a keyword in a post, however, if the additional key words if you want to add an H2 heading and a paragraph or two about the new keyword. Not extreme optimization, and set the ranking of a shipment, as well as ranking.

Existing keywords to modify/change the reasons
you bring in your target audience, you don’t
have to do, the kind that you don’t
have a lot of search volume on Google for them less or not at all, no
you will not bring, transport

Step 6: make sure that your site is indexed, and you can earn money from their contributions!
The last important SEO welcome! You should be proud of, for helping me come this far!

This step is very easy. As soon as your blog is published, Google came to look at!

Send the URLs to search engines,
submit URL to Google and publish a blog post or your update. Is quick and easy and helps your article to be sorted out quickly.

Google Template

This week, two or three times at most, and only the new blog will benefit from it. After we had started broadcasting regularly on your blog, search engines scan your new posts, usually spontaneously.

Exactly this, using the methods of search engine optimization, e-commerce and blog, I’ve listed my clients on the first page of Google. In addition, for a specific term, however, is not competitive, narrow-field, which is short for key words!

It takes time to learn how to get the SEO, but in the end, consistent, highly targeted traffic!

Make sales and earn money
At this point, to finish the first page of Google, SEO blog posts, you have learned how each of the new and the old! These applications are blog in your everyday life is very valuable!

However, if you now how to generate a sustainable income and earn money with your blog, I would like to talk.

If you increase your traffic and your SEO work, how to start, and how do you turn sell to your potential customers?

How to do a professional SEO, are you ready?
SEO Check my list (in chronological order) make sure that you are using. This free SEO checklist will make your work easier! All you need to do to have a check list when you print or save, and Select when you create new blog posts, every step of the way.

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